I will introduce a good product for you. It’s a hot tent for hammock camping. The hammock tent is especially suitable for winter camping. Some people may ask, why go hammock camping in the winter? Because melting snow means cold and wet clothing. So you need a hammock hot tent to keep you nice and dry above the ground.

The tent is suitable for jungle exploration and camping. It is made of 1500mm waterproof canvas fabric. This fabric can keep a balance between warmth and ventilation, and it will not be easily burned by the sparks of the stove chimney. It is suitable for long-term use. The tarp is designed based on the hammock, so we use top ropes and multiple wind ropes instead of the frame to build and secure the tarp. It reduces the weight of the tent.

Besides, the hot tent is designed with Pomoly fireproof stove jack. It not only ensures that campers can cook delicious food in the tent, but also provides a comfortable and warm space for campers in winter. For the entrance of the hammock tent, we carried out a variety of design schemes, and the final choice is to use the open entrance instead of the traditional zipper door design. To prevent wind and rain, campers need to cross and fix the left and right walls of the tarpaulin in the middle. The open entrance design enhances the camping experience and DIY fun.

In addition, the hammock tent is more suitable for uneven ground in the wild. Campers can adjust the area of tents according to different building heights. The hammock tent needs two trees close enough to build it. So there are environmental restrictions on the use of tents. Nevertheless, the hammock hot tent is still a good choice for camping enthusiasts.