Whether it is camping, hiking, mountain climbing, and other outdoor activities, the help of tents are indispensable. Tents are your home outdoors. If you’re an ultralight backpacker or a hiker, when you’re trying to reduce the weight of your backpacking gear but you’re unwilling to give up the comfort of a tent and sleep under a tarp without insect protection. An ultralight tent will be among the most important gears that you carry on wild adventures. Here I have to recommend a backpacking tent — Pomoly Stovehut 20 Ultralight Shelter.
The Stovehut 20 Ultralight Shelter is another new hot tent released by Pomoly after the STOVEHUT 70 tent. It has all the features of the STOVEHUT 70 hot tent, but the Stovehut 20 tent is different in weight, being lighter and only 5.5 pounds. It is made of 20D Ripstop Nylon with single-sided silicone and has a waterproof rating of 3000mm.

To make it waterproof in rain and snow, Pomoly uses double-sided glueable fabric on some seams. It is conceivable that the waterproof performance of the STOVEHUT 20 Ultralight Shelter is very good, creating a warm, comfortable, and dry outdoor home for campers.
Stovehut 20 Ultralight tent is suitable for 1-2 people. Cooking is necessary when camping or exploring outdoors. This design that separates the kitchen area from the sleeping area is eye-catching, not only is it convenient for cooking but also for sleeping comfortably. The stove area has plenty of space so that you can store more firewood and cookware. Used with a stove in this shelter, it will be the perfect partner which will keep you cozy in the cold night.

The STOVEHUT 20 Ultralight Shelter also has a spacious awning and there is plenty of space for other items. On sunny days, you can use the tarp poles to support the awning for sun protection while still enjoying the views of nature. When it’s cold, you can close the door completely to prevent the cold wind from entering and keep you warm.

Some design details of the STOVEHUT 20 hot tent are also very practical. The rain curtain can prevent rainwater from entering the tent when opening the side door. Considering the anti-mosquito and breathability, the cloth door and mesh door are designed at the same time. If you want to optimize the tent space, you can do this by stretching the Guy-lines points on the back and bottom. Stovehut 20 has a controllable bottom vent with a zipper, you can close the vent to keep the temperature inside the tent when it is cold.

In addition, two guy-line points have been added to the stove area to improve wind resistance while preventing snow from crushing the tent surface and touching the stove under gravity.
If you want to reduce the weight of your backpack for outdoor adventures, but also want to have a hot tent with a separate kitchen area and sleeping area, then don’t hesitate to choose the STOVEHUT 20 Ultralight Shelter. Believe that STOVEHUT 20 hot tent will make you enjoy a better outdoor life.