It’s extremely important to choose gear that’s both appropriate and meets your needs when camping. For hiking campers, a lightweight and a portable hot tent is the obvious first choice. And the HUSSAR Plus hot tent from Pomoly is a camping tent designed for backpackers, which is very popular among campers. This article will introduce you to the HUSSAR Plus 2.0 tipi tent from three aspects: capacity, fabric, weight, and design.
The HUSSAR Plus hot tent has been stopped from production for a while due to the update. Until recently, Pomoly released the HUSSAR Plus 2.0 tipi tent, which brought a surprise to campers who were expecting this tent to restock. So what has changed in the updated HUSSAR Plus tipi tent?
The space of the HUSSAR Plus 2.0 hot tent is still 125.7 sq ft and can accommodate 2-3 persons or 1-2 persons with a tent stove. If you go camping alone, there is plenty of space at your disposal.

Light gear is essential for hiking campers. And the HUSSAR Plus 2.0 tipi tent (with inner tent) weighs only 9.9 pounds, which is lighter than some other tents on the market. To reduce weight, Pomoly also upgraded the center pole to lighter aluminum alloy struts.
Pomoly changed the original fabric and turned to use 70D Plaid Ripstop Polyester Fabric to produce this ultralight and warm tipi hot tent. Compared to HUSSAR Plus, it is more tear-resistant, more durable, and has a water resistance rating of 2500mm. It is worth mentioning that the color has also been changed from Iron cyan to Deep taupe. This new color seems to be more suitable for wild camping and is loved by more campers.

The HUSSAR Plus tent continues the classic hexagon shape, and the top cap of the 2.0 version is upgraded to a detachable design, which is conducive to fresh air circulation. The design with snow skirt can not only make the tent more stable but also prevent cold air from entering in winter; the double door design makes it easy for campers to enter and exit the tent; the black mesh inner tent is not only anti-mosquito and breathable but also increases the camper’s sense of privacy.

A practical and comfortable tent can be said to be an outdoor home. If you are a backpacker, I think the HUSSAR Plus 2.0 tipi tent should be on your list of camping gear.